sunshine on a cloudy day

candy-striped belt over a yellow sundress

I never imagined I’d use the word “belt” as a verb, but look at me now.

yellow dress, coral cardigan, striped belt

I wore some of the brightest pieces in my closet on one of the dreariest days, hoping my style sunshine could counteract the blah of clouds above.  For most of the day I wore a couple of my favorite orange bead bracelets with two bangles: one skinny and yellow, one chunky and green.

green, yellow, orange bracelets

By the time of the outfit photo I had taken them off.  And by the time I realized they didn’t make the photo it was too dark for a Round Two to include them.  Recreating the look the next day was also out of the question because I don’t like putting on clothes again after I’ve tossed them in the hamper.  Not even for fashion’s sake.  So you’ll just have to use your imagination.  I’m sure you’re capable.

M at the flower shop with roses

What have you belted recently?  Any tips for how to manage the dangling end?

sunshine at sunset

We were out this weekend.  And by “out” I mean on the road visiting my sisters, our new nephew, and Lovey’s grandma and grandpa; eating Pringles and M&Ms because that’s road fuel, baby; and trying to squeeze in as much quality time with loved ones as we could before heading back to (sad trumpet) Monday morning.

Before we left for this whirlwind adventure we snapped a shot of this outfit, one I’ve wanted to share for a while.  I’ve worn it many times but until sunset on Friday I hadn’t gotten around to posting about it.

Here’s why this outfit has gotten so much wear this summer: both pieces are lightweight, loose-fitting, and safely this side of neon–but they’re not quite drab either.  The jade necklace echoes the green of the shorts.  With flats it’s a little put-together, with flip flops it’s just an easy outfit.  And that’s what I like about it.

I’ll share a bit about our trip later this week.  But for now I’m curious–do you have a go-to summer ensemble?  What are the “ingredients?”

purdy on pinterest

I wish I could say my desk is cleaner thanks to Pinterest, but it’s still a mess. Despite not being able to immunize my physical space from entropy, I do enjoy finding tools that help me organize and, what’s better, visualize my projects.  This spring I compiled a personal lookbook that mixes trends with the tried-and-true.

As you can tell at a glance, I’m crazy about a few things this season: stripes, florals, yellows and corals.  (I couldn’t resist that chance to rhyme.)  I’ve always liked the shorts-with-long-sleeves look, so some of these photos grabbed my attention right away.  Especially the one of the gal with the navy shorts and yellow anorak–so fun!

This board is guiding my thrift shopping for the warm weather.  I haven’t found any colored pants to love yet–they’ve got to be skinny but not second-skin-y.  (I’m young but I’m not 12.)  So here’s to a patient search, all you who are now mapping your fashion quests via Pinterest.  May it go well with you!

P.S. Pantone’s official color of the year is “Tangerine Tango.”  Are you feeling bold enough for this color?!

P.P.S. Want to know how to put a Pinterest board on your blog? I use the free version of WordPress, and this is what I did:

1. Use the Function and Print Screen keys together to take a screenshot of your Pinterest board.  (I took two: one of the top half and one of the bottom half.)

2. Paste your screenshot (or two, one at time) into Microsoft Publisher.  If you have two, change the view to major percentage–I used 500%–to make sure you can see well enough to line things up just right.  After that you have to draw a box that encompasses both screenshots, then group them so they become one object.

3. Right click and choose “Save as Picture.”  I saved mine as a JPEG.

4. Upload as you would any photo.

5. For extra fun, once the photo is inserted into your blog post, click on it and then click the link button.  In the URL field, copy and paste the URL of your actual Pinterest board.  Then, when anyone clicks on your image, they get swept away on a magic carpet ride to the actual board. Ta da!