sunshine at sunset

We were out this weekend.  And by “out” I mean on the road visiting my sisters, our new nephew, and Lovey’s grandma and grandpa; eating Pringles and M&Ms because that’s road fuel, baby; and trying to squeeze in as much quality time with loved ones as we could before heading back to (sad trumpet) Monday morning.

Before we left for this whirlwind adventure we snapped a shot of this outfit, one I’ve wanted to share for a while.  I’ve worn it many times but until sunset on Friday I hadn’t gotten around to posting about it.

Here’s why this outfit has gotten so much wear this summer: both pieces are lightweight, loose-fitting, and safely this side of neon–but they’re not quite drab either.  The jade necklace echoes the green of the shorts.  With flats it’s a little put-together, with flip flops it’s just an easy outfit.  And that’s what I like about it.

I’ll share a bit about our trip later this week.  But for now I’m curious–do you have a go-to summer ensemble?  What are the “ingredients?”