my itty bitty kitchen

Yesterday I showed you the outside of our new home, so now it’s time for you to come inside! The back door brings you right to the heart of our home, the kitchen. The itty, bitty kitchen, which is the only kind I’ve had so far. I’m hoping for a bigger one some day, while making the most of what I have now. The door is right next to the stove in case you didn’t see it. This view is from the dining room, which is to the right of the kitchen as you enter from the deck.

kitchen, seen from diningHere’s the only thing you’re not seeing in the photo above: a section of counter space hiding to the left of the fridge.

other side of kitchenAnd for fun, here’s another shot of the sink. I am spending a lot of time here because, after a blissful almost-two-years with a dishwasher in our last place, I am back to doing all dishes by hand. Two good things about this set-up, though: the sinks are deeper than any we’ve had before, and there is a window! This is the first place I’ve lived where I’ve had a window over the sink. It faces the neighbor’s house, so it’s not that the view is great, but there’s just something mood-lifting about staring out at a sunny scene instead of staring at a wall.

sink with windowHere’s a peek past the pantry into the dining room, which is coming up next!

fridge and pantry

Did you see the yard yet? If not check it out!

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  1. Mom

     /  June 19, 2013

    You know, my mom always wanted a kitchen window, she got it when Dad moved the kitchen. I liked having one too! Especially when I could open it and let a breeze in.

    • Yes! Before it got hot we had all the windows open and it was amazing. Having been in apartments with just a few windows, it feels so different being in a “house” full of them!

  1. upstairs! | wellcrafted
  2. new living room | wellcrafted
  3. new dining room | wellcrafted

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