shopping nitty-gritty

I’ve always assumed that there are two ways to shop: my list-and-research intensive way and the “no questions asked” way.  By “no questions asked” I mean she wants something; she runs to the store; she buys it, not really caring what it costs.  I assumed that, by contrast, everyone watching their budget did another set of things (the same things I do) but now I don’t think that anymore.  I’ve had a couple recent conversations with friends I consider to be good shoppers, by which I mean they dress stylishly without breaking the bank.  But their habits are different from mine and each other’s.  So I thought I’d share my strategies with you, then hopefully you’ll share yours with me!



Hold onto your hats, ladies; you are about to think I am certifiably insane.  I have a list of all the items I own, organized by color.  A few weeks ago I printed it out in the tiniest font I can read (6 or 8 pt, I think) and attached each color’s list to the back of its paint chip in my little wardrobe-at-a-glance guide.

color swatches color swatches with clothing inventory

So, for example, when I was in the dressing room debating the wisdom of purchasing these navy blue shorts with little white dots…

navy short shorts

…I flicked through my paint chip guide and read from the back that I had: an embellished olive tee, a spruce green tee, a gray tee, an emerald sweater, a mustard tank, a mustard shell, a mustard sweater, a red-and-white striped tee, a hot pink/red tee, a beige tee, and a beige-and-white striped tee that I could pair with these new bottoms.  So, yes!  Shorts, come home with me.

I know making a list like that sounds nuts.  It took me a couple hours, and I admit I felt kind of stupid sitting on the edge of the bed furiously scribbling down the name of every clothing and accessory item I own.*  Stupid partly because before I could scribble down the name I had to come up with a name–one good enough that, from a far-off dressing room where I’d have to imagine the item paired with potential purchases, I could remember salient details, like the fact that the gray blazer only has 3/4 sleeves.  This desire for specificity led to labels like “empire waist scoop neck knee length racerback tank dress.”  Here’s a picture of that one.  Looks a lot simpler than it sounds, huh?

black dress with purple necklace

To help me focus, I decided that unless I find something outside the rules but mind-bogglingly perfect, my purchases for the foreseeable future will be in certain shades of the primary colors: true red, a dark pink-red I call “berry,” mustard yellow (in both its greenish and brownish varieties), and navy; along with green (emerald and olive), and neutrals (black, gray, and ivory–I don’t like the way I look in white, wedding dress notwithstanding).  I discovered through trial and error that all these colors are ones I will wear.  I used to buy lots of royal blue, which is lovely and looks okay on me, but for whatever I reason I would not wear those pieces.  So, like a genius, I decided to quit buying them.

*I only included things others might see me wear, so pajamas etc. were not on the lists.  Neither was jewelry because it’s so easily mix-and-matchable.

Master List

There’s also a fashion Master List.  It includes everything I need to keep in mind as I make new purchases.  For example, I’m trying to stay really focused with new purchases after years of using “the more the merrier” as my wardrobe philosophy.  (And “the cheaper, the better” as my runner-up philosophy.)

donation pile

The Master List expands upon the basic color guide, specifying things like which patterns I like/am looking for: stripes and florals top the list while animal print is under cautious consideration.  This list also details the materials I prefer and the way I want clothes to fit–for example, cardigans must fall right at my hip and have some structure to them.  Cropped, boyfriend, and shapeless are out!

Along with each description of how something should fit, the Master List specifies pieces I am hunting for–so in the Pants category my list includes “olive pants” and “leggings,” since my current pair have sprung a couple holes.

At the end I’ve listed some upcoming things I need outfits for–summer weddings and trips, plus other activities, like working out, that I have really nasty clothes for and would like to have cuter ones that I actually want to wear.  Because if I have cute workout clothes I will finally exercise, right?  (Hahaha.)

Outfit Recipes

I love to cook, bake, and plan the perfect menu for company, and I approach getting dressed in a similar way.  Certain combinations of ingredients win every time, even if the ingredients are simple.  On my Outfit Recipes list, I’ve saved some ideas I return to time and again–and new ones that have inspired me.

I name all these too, so I can remember them later.  Here are a few:

trifecta—three solid colors together (I believe fashion bloggers prefer to call this “color blocking.” I think “trifecta” is a much cooler word.)

{trifecta} with berry, mustard, and emerald

double take—repeat one color against a neutral backdrop (belt & shoes; cardigan & jewelry; hat & shoes, etc.)  Here it’s more subtle than I intended but the “repeat” is cognac leather.  My shoes, belt, and cuff are all leather, and I meant to grab my leather bag but I forgot!

{double take} mustard scarf, striped shirt, and leather accents

-neutral + sweet & soft (taupe + blush, ivory + coral/floral)

-neutral + big & bright (gray + yellow, taupe + tangerine, ivory/pink + emerald green)

That’s all pretty general, but this list has an exacting side too.  (Are you surprised?!)  To help me a.) envision outfits from my current wardrobe b.) see which pieces I could add to get more mileage out of what I already have, I’ve copied the details from some blog posts like Tania’s “8 Outfits, 1 Very Small Suitcase.”  Here’s what that looks like:

With these pieces:
-striped top
-white top
-checkered top (tiny plaid)
-solid scarf
-printed scarf
She made these outfits:
-striped top+blazer+jeans+belt+scarf+boots
-solid top+cardi+jeans+scarf+boots
-striped top+skirt+tights+flats
-white top+skirt+belt+tights+boots(opt: blazer)
-checked top+cardi+jeans+flats

“Wardrobe From Scratch” List

If you’re tired of my list of lists, feel free to skip forward! There are three more (counting this one).  This one is thanks to Audrey from Putting Me Together, my newest fashion-blog love.  She’s in the midst of writing a complete “Wardrobe From Scratch” series and I’m following along as she releases new challenges.  So far, at her prompting, I’ve listed my daily activities and defined my style preferences with the help of a big pinning session (here).  The analysis is in this list.  If you like Audrey’s blog, be sure to read the “Building a Remixable Wardrobe” series too!

The NO List

This list cracks me up!  Sometimes I write things on it in self-disgust–as in, “Self, why, fortheloveofPete, would you buy anything made of denim that is not in the shape of a pair of jeans?  Don’t even think about it!  In fact, write it on the NO list!”

This list keeps me in check when the trends are getting a little out of control.  It reminds me that no matter what InStyle, Kendi, and Pinterest say, pastels only look good on other people and overalls are just never going to be a good idea.  Sometimes on shopping trips I am liable to forget these really obvious things.  Having gone through the motion of writing it down helps cement it in my brain.  No hi-lo hem lines! No vertical stripes–bad call!

The YES List

Okay, it’s obvious what this is.  Shawl collars!  Rounded-toe flats!  Belted natural waist!  Everything on this list is a winner, so I try to look for more of these things–or when looking for things, make sure they have more of these attributes.  I also include things like “outfits with contrast” (e.g. short, long—natural-waist maxi skirt with fitted top/short shorts with long sleeved shirt/skinnies with a tunic//shiny, rough—sequined top with cable cardigan & jeans).  Thus concludes the list of lists.  We now proceed to…


Is it just me, or do you also make a beeline for the clearance rack before you look at anything else?  In most stores the clearance is furthest from the door–smart cookies, those retailers–but I always head there first if I’m shopping alone.  If I don’t like the prices there, the rest of the store is going to be a waste of my time.

I do this online too.  I always sort a search from lowest priced to highest priced.  This is not to be confused with lowest discount to highest discount, which some sites have–80% off an expensive item may still turn out to be a higher price than 50% off a less expensive item.  I’ll look through page after page of results until the price point becomes one I am unwilling to pay.  Then I haven’t wasted any time looking at, or falling forlornly in love with, items I can’t afford right now.  Which leads to…


I’m curious to know if anyone else has “magic numbers.”  I realize this is a really personal thing and it is not my intent to pry.  I just think we all come at this a little differently based on how we were raised, what our income is, and where and how often we shop.  I have mental limits for how much I will usually spend on certain items.  There are exceptions, but they’re rare.

$10 or less:

all tops including sweaters. To me these seem a dime a dozen.  Plus they’re easy to change out as trends come and go.  The same jeans can hold me for five years, but I’ll probably go through dozens of tops in that time so I don’t want to really invest in them.

scarves. They’re fun to have and they’re a great warm layer, but I just don’t see myself ever dropping the big bucks for a scarf.  I’ve found several pashminas (huge and soft!) for $6-$7 at a local consignment shop.  They make pretty table runners too, FYI.

bags. I always get bags at the thrift store because I switch a lot. I don’t need to find one purrfect investment bag because I’m not going to use and abuse it hard enough to justify the splurge. A little secondhand Talbots is fine with me.

jewelry. I love having lots of bright jewelry to make a plain outfit interesting, but I never want anything precious that would make me really sad to lose or damage. If I’m that attached to an object I’ve invested too much into it. My favorite pieces right now are bangles I got on clearance from Ten Thousand Villages.

$20 to $30:

all pants. My favorite jeans I bought new are a.n.a skinnies from J.C. Penney. I paid $20.

a.n.a. skinny jeans

My favorite jeans I bought secondhand are CK jeans from a local thrift store. I paid $5.  It just takes patience.

dresses. I used to nanny so I bought about 20 dresses because they were easy, breezy, and well…not always that beautiful.  Some of them were truly regrettable little numbers, especially the one that snapped a strap while I was pushing the wee one on a swing at the park.  Now I demand a little more from my dresses.  They have to go with a few things–a cardigan, a blazer, a pair of tights, and flats, plus either boots or heels–no more one-outfit wonders.  And when I look at how sundress straps are secured, I now look for metal rings and double-stitching.

$20 to $60:

shoes. I will spend more money for a pair of shoes than for anything else in my closet.  Being comfortable is worth it to me.  I look for padded insoles, rubber (or other non-slip) outsoles, genuine leather uppers, and pleasing aesthetics.  This is a rare combo, which is why I buy shoes much more carefully than I used to.  My old pattern was to grab whatever was cute at Payless or Target, preferably for $20 or less.  Now not so much…but I have found shoes for $30 when they were originally $100, so I know waiting pays off.  I just never know when it will.


Part of my long hunting process involves looking online before I go to a store.  I like to touch things and try them on, and I’ve never been a sucker for the free shipping myth.  (It is a myth, believe me, much as I love Zappos.  They’re great fun, but you have to know what the item sells for elsewhere and make sure you aren’t paying extra for “free” shipping.)  I will do site-to-store shipping, though.  And I’ll pay shipping for something I really want that I don’t think I can find in a store.  For example, Sierra Trading Post is one of my favorite places to find shoes.  (The first I bought and sent back because the heel zipper dug in; the second I bought and love…and I paid much less than they are currently listed for.)

earth-paprika-sandal{SierraTradingPost} pajar-ice-boots{SierraTradingPost}

Online I check what colors are currently “in.”  Sometimes I look at a store’s website and see all pastels or all neons–for example, Target will often have a great deal on basic tee shirts but every single color option is one I know will look terrible on me.  They haven’t seemed to carry the “true” colors in a while.

Target teesIf that’s what I see, I won’t spend time in that store.  On the other hand, if I see something that interests me, I’ll note the online price and maybe experimentally add the item to my cart and proceed to checkout to find out the shipping price.  That’s the price to beat if I can.

In the store, if the item meets my expectations, I’ll look at its price.  Sometimes there are online specials that beat the store price even with shipping factored in.  Other times my local store is having a sale that doesn’t apply online–for example, a dress I looked at on Old Navy’s web site a couple weeks ago was “on sale” online for $27–plus shipping.  In the store the same dress was $25–no shipping.  (Duh; I know; I was just making a point.)

If I decide to buy online, I should always check Retail Me Not before I check out.  I say “should” because I sometimes forget.  Shame on me.  I recently missed out on a 30% discount at Sierra Trading Post because I clicked “Place Order” about five seconds before my Smart Shopper Alarm went, “BLOO!!!*BLOO!!!*BLOO!!!”

Oh well; I win some, I lose some.  I tried to just tell myself I was happy with the price, which is why I was ordering in the first place, but a miserable little part of me is still in the corner chanting, “But you could have been happier with the price!”

My last secret to shopping sanity is not getting too attached.  Sometimes they don’t have it in my size.  Or my color.  Sometimes I look at it in the morning, think about it during the afternoon, and go to order it in the evening but it’s sold out in stores and permanently out of stock online.

sold out

That’s just the way it is.  There will be another one someday.  Maybe a better one.  And I can keep my mind off of it in the meantime by, I don’t know, making another list?

How about you?  What are your tried-and-true strategies for finding a deal?  And how do you decide when a cheap item is a bargain versus a waste of money, or when an expensive item is an investment piece versus…well, you know, a waste of money?

this coral coil

If you’ve spent much time in the craft department of the internet, you’ve surely discovered the many uses for old T-shirts: bracelets, ruffles, and, um, underwear?  One of my favorites is the basic T-shirt scarf, the simplest hip creation I’ve discovered in–well, probably forever, now that I think about it.  I ask you: could one swipe with scissors create anything cooler than this?

You just take a T-shirt–the bigger the better–and hack it off under the arm holes.  (i.e. one horizontal cut across the chest)  The resulting loop of fabric makes a perfect jersey scarf, whether worn long or looped tighter as a cozy cowl.  If you want visuals, look here.  I made one by cutting the body of the shirt into strands that I pulled for a loopy look like the ones in the linked photos, but actually I prefer just using the large, unfringed piece as a scarf unto itself.

But what to do with the scraps?  I decided since this was such a sweet, girly color, and I have a sweet, girly new niece, I would make a diminutive headband.

coral-colored jersey material braided and knotted to form a circle

The only problem was deciding how to finish the ends.  They were a bit all over the place!

ends of jersey braid sticking out in different directions

A rosette would look cute there, I thought, but I didn’t know how to make a rosette…yet.  A quick search turned up this tutorial, and away I went, measuring…

scissors, ruler, and jersey material in front of laptop showing rosette tutorial


long strip of jersey material folded in half and knotted at one end

and twisting my way to a little fabric flower.

jersey material rosette

There was only one problem.  It didn’t turn out as tiny as I expected!  Whoa, Nellie–that flower could bring the whole headband crashing down.  Not such a balanced look.

small braided circle of jersey material and rosette that's large in comparison

So I started over, made a much smaller version, and secured it in place.

circle of braided jersey material and small jersey rosette attached

In case you’re wondering how I managed the frayed ends, I folded them one at a time toward the center to create a little “platform” for the rosette.  Then I ran a threaded needle through all the layers of folded fabric to hold them in position.  This assured that the braid cannot come undone, and at the same time created a flat place to glue the flower.

frayed ends folded toward center with needle and thread going through all the layers

I don’t have a resident baby to try this on, so hopefully it works!  I think it would look sweet with the rosette positioned near her little ear, like she had the blossom tucked into her (non-existent) hair.  That’s it for now–I have to go scrounge up ideas for the rest of the remnants!

a day of one’s own

Hallelujah; I had a day of rest!  Real rest.  The kind that begins with rising early (which for me means 7:30), continues with one self-selected activity after another, and ends with a sigh of contentment.  That kind of day.  I’d love to share the highlights with you.

I awakened surprisingly ready to dive into a day I’d thought I’d wade into slowly, say at 9:00.  But there I was, long before I’d planned to be awake, reading my latest Bon Appetit while the sun streamed in.

After I looking at seriously serious food photos for a while, I realized it was breakfast time and then some.  Hungry, hungry me wanted something delicious fast, so…a toasted bagel with cream cheese and green onions and a cup of sweetened English Breakfast tea were just the token.

Full and ready to accomplish something, I tackled the heap of dishes that’s been taunting me for a couple days.  Though we have a dishwasher now (if I could click my heels in glee I would!) there are still things I prefer to lovingly hand wash.  Then again, it remains open to debate how loving it is to neglect them for the better part of a week beforehand.  Oh well; I got to them today.

Maybe I should have titled this post “The Day I Stalked Myself.”  I guess it might seem weird that I took photos of myself all day long but here’s the thing.  I’ve liked the idea of writing a day-in-the-life post, but it’s not too practical when you work with library patrons and flower shop customers, so I waited until my day off.

The fact that I don’t feel right doing a post about my workday brings me to a question I’ve been pondering.  I’ll just go ahead and throw it out there: for bloggers, how do we know what is ours?  For example, when does talking about my job become talking about my employer’s business?  Is there some agreed-upon way for bloggers to determine where the lines lie between telling their perspective and telling too much about something someone else did?  Not that I have deep secrets I’m avoiding or anything–I just wonder.  Maybe I was thinking about it while I washed those dishes.  I honestly don’t know.

Anyway, after long-overdue sink-emptying, I glided happily into the day’s next planned activity: making caramel crème brûlée.  Oh, yes.  By the way, I saw dessert cakes with that name in the Asian market the other day–not even kidding, OhYes brand.  Those must be good.  So is this.

It took 45 minutes to bake, so in the meantime I went and entertained myself.  I have a book of quotations I’ll tell you more about in an upcoming post.  I started going through it recently and couldn’t believe some of the profundity contained within its pages.  The quotations I’ve collected there repeat the same few themes:

Love is important. Don’t hurry romance. Suffering is good for you. Be courageous. Don’t talk too much. Learn, learn, learn.

I think everything I’ve ever copied into that book fits into one of those categories.  It felt almost surreal to read page after page of things I’ve found inspiring and to see that they revolve in such a tight orbit of courage, love, and wisdom.  Those are apparently the things I’ve always felt a need to chase after and root more deeply in my life.  Do you have a quotation collection?  Does yours reveal a snapshot of who you want to be too?

I found a quotation I thought would be worth seeing even after the book’s covers closed, so I copied it onto my blank chalkboard.  It says, “A man must seek his happiness and inward peace from objects which cannot be taken away from him.”  -Wilhelm von Humboldt

*Free tip: if you have a chalkboard of your own–they seem very popular right now for some reason–the chalk shows up more vividly if you write on a damp board.  I like to do it that way for two reasons: the old dust gets cleared away and the new dust goes on smoothly.  I really don’t like the feeling of writing in chalk; it’s so dry and scrapey.  When the board is wet the chalk slides along a bit better, almost like writing with pastels.

Then the kitchen timer sounded.  Ooooh, boy!  Here are the little crèmes:

While those chilled, I drove across town to pursue one of my other hobbies–you know the one:

You know that saying, “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye”?  I think that only applies philosophically.  (It’s from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince, in case that was going to bother you.)  In the dressing room, at least as far as I’m concerned, it is only with the camera that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the heart.

Take the purple tunic for example.  On the hanger I liked it.  My little heart said, “Yes, please; we will take that one home with us and wear it close for always.”  But then I snapped a photo and, well, that said differently.  I’ve learned this about myself: when it comes my clothing, I’m kind of oblivious.  I’ve worn many outfits that I felt good in, only to see them captured on film and think, “Really?!  That is so unflattering!”  So out came the camera and with it, better judgement.  I hope.  Although, talk about feeling like a goofball, posing for yourself in a scrappy Salvation Army dressing room….  But it got the job done.

Here’s the plunder, some from Salvation Army and some from a local consignment store.  Purchase total: $8.03.  Yeah, baby!

Among the criteria I try to impose on myself when shopping are:

– “no” to empire waists or otherwise pregnant-looking clothes

– “no” to shirts that rise above my waistline when I reach for something above my head

– “no” to falling for a brand name when the garment itself is uncompelling.  (A trick: I ask, “If this had a WalMart tag, would I still want it?”

– “no” to items that don’t stand alone (e.g. “So cute, but has a plunging neckline…I could wear a cami…?”)  I like to layer but it should be because I want to, not because I have to.

– “yes” to wide (not deep) necklines.  All the better to showcase some pretty jewelry, or the collarbone, which for some reason I find much more alluring than…the obvious part women often use necklines to feature.

– “yes” to unexpected or unique details (e.g. shell buttons, a twist or knot, collar embellishment)

Good day shopping.  I even ran into my friend Beth–a fun surprise.  I got to offer my two cents’ about curtains she was considering.

Then home again, home again, jiggety jog, with another prize find.  I sent Hubby a photo text from the store to make sure he was cool with it, because we haven’t liked the same lamps the couple times we’ve looked at them together.  We both liked this one.

Then we went on a walk, even though it was blustery and the sun had mostly disappeared.  Brrr…

I made tea to warm myself up again–that wind really chilled my ears and nose!–and, while I sipped, checked my email and the updates to blogs I follow.  Here I am reading about organization on Small Notebook.

Then back to the crème brûlée.  It was broilin’ time.  Did you know that you don’t need a kitchen torch to caramelize the sugar on crème brûlée?  Bon Appetit told me so; that’s how I know it’s true.  (Well, that, and it works.)  You just pop your little guys under the broiler for a couple minutes.  Truly–only a couple.  This is what happens after about four:

Not perfect, but not ruined either.  Hubby and I enjoyed desserts with our friends Jesse & Luke, who brought along fudge and peanut butter balls to share.  Um, yum?  We had plenty of sweetness to go around–and maybe soften the blow for those of us who didn’t conquer at couples’ game night.

What a way to end an already fabulous day!